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  1. Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction 1.13 High Resolution Patches
  2. Lord Of Destruction Cd-key
  3. Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction
  4. Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Character Editor
  5. Lord Of Destruction Cheats
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Publisher(s)NABlizzard Entertainment
Designer(s)Peter Brevik
Composer(s)Matt Uelmen
Version1.12 (June 17, 2008)
Platform(s)Windows, Mac OS, MacOS X
Releasedate(s)June 29, 2001
Genre(s)Action role-playing game[1]
Mode(s)Single player, multiplayer
PEGI: 16+
System requirementsMac OS
G3 processor or better, System 8.1 or later, 64 MB RAM plus VirtualMemory, 650 MB drive space, 4X CD-ROM drive, 256 color displaycapable of 800x600, Diablo II
233 MHz Pentium or better, 32 MB RAM, 650 MB drive space, 4XCD-ROM drive, DirectX compatible video card, Diablo II
Input methodsKeyboard, mouse

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction is the official expansion pack for Diablo II. Although an expansion, most people feel that Lord of Destruction is a must have when playing the game since the additions expand the game to be just that much more open ended than the first one. For Diablo II: Lord of Destruction on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Anyway to play in a high resolution?' Patching Classic Games. Updated: 4 weeks ago. If you have installed the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction expansion, download and apply the Lord of Destruction patch.

Install patch v1.11b to Diablo 2 LoD 3. Make shortcut Eps1024x768.exe 4. Run shortcut Eps1024x768.exe with commandline -v111 (activation res 1024x768 for patch v1.11) Install for patch v1.12a: 1. Extract files: Eps1024x768.dll, Eps1024x768.exe and Eps1024x768.mpq to Diablo II directory. Install patch v1.12a to Diablo 2 LoD 3. Diablo 2 Patch 1.13c (release) The game will no longer stop and then restart the game music after the window loses and then regains focus. Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in windowed mode when it lost focus. Fixed an issue where the game window wouldn't center properly when it was created.

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction(commonly abbreviated LoD) is an expansion packfor the hack andslashaction role-playing gameDiablo II.Unlike the original Diablo's expansion pack, Diablo:Hellfire, it is an official expansion designed by BlizzardNorth.

More than a standard expansion, Lord of Destruction notonly added content in the form of two new character classes and anadditional act, but also dramatically revamped the gameplay of theexisting Diablo II for solo and especiallymultiplayer.

  • 1Features
    • 1.1Act V Boss Levels
  • 2Newclasses
  • 3Music
    • 3.1Music Inspirations
  • 4Critical response
  • 5Patchhistory
    • 5.1Ladder 'Seasons'
      • 5.1.3Season 3 - Patch 1.11
        •Über Tristram
      • 5.1.5Season 5 - Patch 1.12
  • 8External links


Lord of Destruction adds a number of new features tothe core gameplay of Diablo II. These include:

  • Two new character classes: the Assassin and theDruid.
  • A fifth act taking place in and around Mount Arreat inthe northern Barbarian Highlands, with an additional act boss,Baal.
  • Many new weapons and new pieces of armor:
    • Runes can be placed into sockets and provide differentbonuses from gems.
    • 'Runewords' are very powerful bonuses that are granted to anitem when specific runes are socketed in a specific order.
    • 'Jewels' gain the same random bonuses that items can. These canbe placed into sockets. They have the same effect no matter whatthe base item is. Unique jewels are 'Rainbow Facets' which havedifferent bonuses to a certain element.
    • Ethereal items that are more powerful than their standardcounterparts, but they have lowered durability and cannot berepaired.
    • Charms that can be kept in the inventory and providepassive bonuses.
    • Class-specific items that can only be used by acertain character, e.g. Claws for an Assassin.
    • Additional unique and set items, includingclass-specific sets.
  • An expanded stash for storing items—twice the size ofthe original stash.
  • An alternate weapon/shield/spell setup that can beswitched to via a hotkey in gameplay.
  • Hirelingscan now follow the player through all the Acts. They can also beequipped with armor and a weapon, can gain experience, can behealed by potions, and can be resurrected whenkilled.
  • The game can now be played at 800x600 resolution, up from640x480.

Act V BossLevels

Placing the runes 'Jah', 'Ith' and 'Ber' (in that order) into anarmour item with exactly three sockets produces the powerful Runeword 'Enigma'.

There are several boss monsters in Act V.

The player fights Shenk the Overseer in theBloody Foothills, just outside Harrogath, who is directly in chargeof the siege on Harrogath. The player must also rescue Anya inorder to gain a valuable scroll of increased resistances. AfterAnya, the player also has to find and executeNihlathak, who is sheltered between his minions inthe Halls of Vaught. Before gaining access to the Worldstone Keep,the player must defeat The Ancients, which are thethree Barbarians guarding the Worldstone and allowing only theworthy to pass.

Finally, the player fights Baal in TheWorldstone Chamber, after killing his pack of minions in the Throneof Destruction. Tyrael appears after Baal is dead, congratulatingthe player and opening a portal to Destruction's End, theconclusion of the game.

Cow Level

After beating Baal, the player can choose to have access to theSecret Cow Level by transmuting Wirt's leg and a town portal tomein the Horadric cube from inside the Rogue's camp. A portal opensin the camp and any player can use it to enter the Secret CowLevel; a grassy meadow filled with polearm-wielding bovines whoseleader is known as the Cow King.


See also: Diablo II characterclasses


The Assassin

The Assassin relies on a mixtureof martial arts skills and the ability to lay passive traps. She can also open lockedchests without the use of a key.

Her Shadow Disciplines tree contains a mixtureof passive bonuses (such as Claw Mastery or WeaponBlock) and buffs (such as Burst of Speed orVenom), along with a few spells such as MindBlast which stun and confuse the enemy rather than causingdirect damage. She also can summon a Shadow Warrior orShadow Master, which are useful summons that are alsocapable of dealing significant damage themselves.

The Traps tree provides a few direct attacks,and more importantly, a number of summonable traps. The traps arestationary devices that will attack any hostile target in range acertain number of times before breaking. Traps are either based onfire or lightning, though the Death Sentry trap canexplode nearby corpses in addition to shooting bolts of lightning.The blade trap skills are essentially ranged projectiles that causephysical damage.

The Martial Arts tree consists of charge-upskills and finishing moves. Attacking with a charge-up skillincreases the number of charges, up to three, then the finishingmove releases the charges in a single powerful blow. The charge-upskills include attacks like Blades of Ice and Fists ofFire, which add elemental damage to the finishing blow, andalso skills like Cobra Strike, which adds life and manastealing to the finishing attack. The finishing blows are, for themost part, kicks, such as Dragon Talon, which releases anumber of kicks in quick succession, and Dragon Flight,which teleports on to a target and kicks them, releasing anycharges.


The Druid

The Druid specialises innature-based magic, with direct damage spells and a variety ofminions. The Druid is voiced by Michael Bell.

The Elemental tree consists of the magic ofearth and sky. The 'storm' spells have effects like CycloneArmor, which protects the Druid from the elements, andTornado, a vortex of swirling winds that moves somewhatrandomly and can deal massive damage. The 'fire' spells are moreearthly than the Sorceress's, with spells like Fissure andVolcano. The ultimate Elemental spells areHurricane and Armageddon; both create a stormthat follows the Druid, damaging all that come too close.

The Summoning tree governs the calling ofnatural allies to the Druid. While the wolves and grizzly that theDruid can summon are traditional melee summons, the other summoningspells are a bit different. Ravens do marginal damage, butcan blind enemies and cannot be targeted. Ravens disappear afterthey have attacked a certain number of times. The Druid can summonsages that provide Paladin-like Auras, such as increasing attack orlife. Druids also can summon one of three vines. These can poisonenemies from below, or consume corpses to replenish the Druid'slife or mana.

The Shape-Shifting tree gives the Druid theability to become an animal himself, with gigantic bonuses to life.Druids may either become a nimble Werewolf or a largeWerebear. Each form has its own special attacks, such asthe Werewolf's Feral Rage, which causes the Druid to getfaster and faster as he continues to attack enemies, and theWerebear's Maul, which makes the Druid swing harder andharder as he attacks. It is worth noting that all of the Druid'sequipment functions as normal when shifted, if at different speeds,but the druid is virtually unable to cast spells, except forArmageddon and summoning ones.


The Diablo II: Lord of Destruction score was recorded inBratislava, Slovakia withthe Slovak Radio Philharmonic. Kirk Trevor of the KnoxvilleSymphony Orchestra conducted the sessions. The music for it waswritten in September 2001, it was the first time when Matt Uelmenworked with the orchestra. The orchestral session for Slovakia wasin January 2002.[2]

The style of the score is modern classicaland experimental[3],trying to impose with a Wagnerian style. [4]


  • Fortress from Act V, inspired by variety of operaticscores like Debussy's Peleas andMelisande
  • Ice Caves from Act V inspired by fragments of BernardHerrmann's 'Vertigo' and a sequence of Orff's Trionfo di Afrodite
  • Ancients from Act V contains a direct quote from Richard Wagner's'Tristan and Isolde' Prelude to act one.
  • Siege from Act V inspired by fragments of 'Mars' by Gustav Holst andcontains a direct quote from it. [3]


Like its predecessor, Lord of Destruction receivedextremely positive reviews. It is listed at Metacritic with anaverage rating of 87 (with one perfect score from ComputerGames Online).[5] It isdescribed at Metacritic as an expansion that 'shouldreinforce the staying power of an already legendary RPG.' Gamespotawarded the game an 8.2 out of 10,[6] IGNadministered the game an 8.8 out of 10[7] andGamespy gave the game an 88 out of 100.[8] Thegame has also won an award for being in the top 50 most importantgames of all time according to IGN magazine for its onlinemultiplayer.

Within the Diablo 2 community the expansion caused somecontroversy when Blizzard patched the original game with a patchthat made Nightmare and Hell difficulties particularly harder thanbefore; some players felt that Blizzard was effectively forcingthem to upgrade to the expansion in order to find the items andgain the abilities necessary to deal with the new challenges.[9]


The expansion was released in Summer 2001 as version 1.07, thesame version as the beta, but the 1.08 patch was available fordownload on the same day. Within a few months, 1.09 wasreleased.[10]

Patch 1.10 was released on October 23 2003. The main change wasthe introduction of 'synergy' bonuses, whereby investing pointsinto one skill would increase the power of a related skill. Thedifficulty of monsters was increased accordingly, making manypreviously viable builds almost useless in harder difficultylevels. Many powerful items and runewords were also added. Whilethe most powerful runewords required many extremely rare runes,duplication of these rare runes made high-end runewords far morewidely available than they would've otherwise been.

A new 'world event' was also added to online play. When enoughof the powerful (and hence, widely duplicated) Stone ofJordan rings had been sold back to NPCson a server, an Uber Diablo or Diablo Clone wouldappear, dropping a powerful Annihilus charm upon death. Itis widely believed that this event was added to remove the widelyduped rings from the economy. The patch also introduced theLadder, officially a competitive mode of Realm play thatlets the player record his or her name on a list akin to the 'HighScore' listing in arcade video games. Ladder-playintroduces a greater challenge to players by increasing enemy AIspeeds, so that monsters in Ladder games behave like themore powerful monsters in Non-Ladder games. It also addsnew Ladder-exclusive items and runewords[11]. TheLadder is reset periodically, causing all Laddercharacters to be converted to normal Non-Ladder characterswhile retaining all of their progress, items, and gold. Thiscreates a separate, initially 'dupe-free' economy on Ladder, and afresh and equal start for all Ladder players. It also placesLadder-exclusive items and runewords into the generaleconomy allowing players who were previously not on theLadder to trade for them. The latest reset took place onJune 17, 2008.


Season 1

The first of the ladder seasons began with the initial releaseof Patch 1.10 on October 28, 2003.[12] Inorder to play and get one's name on the ladder, a player mustcreate a new character from scratch and cannot interact with anycharacters created before the current patch. Ladder characters alsocannot interact with non-ladder characters and vice-versa.[13] Thisencouraged a lot more cooperative gameplay initially, but as itemswere duped and servers clogged, gameplay declined over time.

Season 2

Blizzard performed its first ladder reset on July 7, 2004 with apromotional contest called 'When Worlds Collide,' as World ofWarcraft was scheduled to be released the following year. Thecontest began for all users playing on an Expansion Realm. Thefirst player to reach level 99 on the ladder on each Realm would beawarded a prize package containing a Blizzard T-Shirt, a signedcopy of World of Warcraft Collector'sEdition, a toy statue, and a Blizzard North CD Wallet.[14]


Blizzard also implemented a server-side patch about 1 month intothis season which would cause users that created games too fast tosee a 'Realm Down' screen, which they later, in patch 1.11, calleda 'Temporary Restriction' in order to prevent numerous bots fromclogging servers. An unintended consequence of this restriction wasthat actual players, who were legitimately restarting games quicklyto search for items, were also faced with this screen. Bots werelater modified to prevent seeing the 'Realm Down' screen andcontinued to be a problem.

The 'Rust Storm' program, a process by which duplicate itemswere deleted[15], wasalso run during this season. Some users complained that their itemshad been erased unfairly. This season also introduced several newexclusive 'ladder-only' runewords after the ladder race had come toan end, just before 2005.

Season 3 -Patch 1.11

The second reset of the ladder took place on August 8, 2005[16], justafter patch 1.11 was released, and also introduced the 'Warden'anti-cheat system to Diablo 2. Unlike Season 2, Season 3 did nothave a contest. Three thousand accounts were also permanentlybanned for using 3rd-party software to cheat.[17] Thisdid not stop bots indefinitely, however, as programmers redesignedthem to circumvent the 'Warden' using different methods. Thereweren't any new 'ladder-only' runewords during this season.


With patch 1.11 and the third ladder season, Blizzard added anew area called Über Tristram which can only be accessed[18]Players can gain access to Über Tristram by killing designatedmonsters and following a series of sub quests. Inside Über Tristramenemies have extremely heightened defense, damage and resistances.Three über bosses, Pandemonium Diablo, Über Baal and Über Mephistocan be found inside Über Tristram. Upon killing the lastof the three Über Bosses, players receive a valuable item, theHellfire Torch large charm, and a trophy item, called the Standardof Heroes. The Standard has no current use, but like most questitems cannot be sold to in-game vendors/NPCs, and therefore may yethave a future use. The Über bosses provide a challenge to the highlevel characters that face them.

Season 4

The third reset took place on June 25, 2007, and was notaccompanied by a patch.[19]However, an exploit was discovered that made it possible to travelto the Forgotten Sands area of the game by sending a special packetto the server. This consequently allowed non-expansion or classiccharacters to enter Act 5, provided they had a copy of Diablo 2:Lord of Destruction installed. This method was patched on theserver in mid-February 2008, along with a server patch that wouldend a game if anyone's ping passeda certain threshold. This prevented a common lag-based itemduplication method. This generally increased the quality ofgameplay, as the number of people attempting to lag the servers toexecute the method was greatly reduced. However, this caused manyplayers to drop from games unexpectedly. Even after Blizzardattempted to curtail 'duping' with the server-side patch, playershave figured out alternative ways to duplicate items. Blizzard hasyet to release a patch that stops the practice permanently.

Season 5 -Patch 1.12

The fourth ladder reset took place on June 17, 2008 with theintegration of patch 1.12 into Lord of Destruction. It allowsplayers to play without the game CD if they originally performed a'Full Installation', after copying some files from the disc.[20]


Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction 1.13 High Resolution Patches

On March 3, 2009, an announcement by a Blizzard employee wasposted on the forum that the company was working oncontent patch 1.13, and asked for the Diablo community's input.[21] Thesame employee informed the community that 1.13 is planned to be amajor patch, introducing new content, instead of merely fixingbugs.[22]

As of July 20, 2009, the patch was postponed due to a servercrashing issue that surfaced from the latest patch on Warcraft 3,another one of Blizzard's major titles. On August 5, 2009, thecommunity was informed that patch work for Diablo would notcommence until the issue with Warcraft 3 was resolved.

Lord Of Destruction Cd-key

Almost a full month later (September 2, 2009), the same employeethat announced the 1.13 patch enlightened the community with thefirst positive update since the announcement of the patch, thispost contained information about work having commenced once againon Diablo 2 and its patch, also stating that the PTR (Public TestRealm) for this patch would be opened very soon.

On September 30, 2009 the community was then informed that thepatch may have restraints due to the new content being included(increased stash size), apparently old servers couldn't handle theupdated content and would stress the servers too much. Thecommunity was told that as soon as they ran some tests to see howwell the servers perform, they would make the decision as towhether or not they could include the updated content.

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A little after 7 months since the announcement of the patch(October 14, 2009) another report was made stating that they stillhaven't decided whether or not to include the content. [23]

On November 18 it was decided to leave out the increased stashsize in patch 1.13 due to server concerns. [24]

The patch was released on the PTR on December 10.


Diablo II is supported by a large modding community. Even thoughBlizzard does not actively support Diablo II mods, the 1.10 patchsoftcoded many aspects of the game, making modding for the gameeasier. The game does not feature any official editors but has aplethora of unofficial editors for the text files, string tables,and maps.


Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction

  1. ^RPG Vault: RPG Vault Focus:Action RPGs
  2. ^Shack News Interview
  3. ^ abUelmen, Matt. ' Matt Uelmen Liner Notes'.Gamasutra. Retrieved2009-01-20.
  4. ^.
  5. ^'Diablo II: Lord ofDestruction at Metacritic'. Retrieved2006-07-28.
  6. ^Diablo II: Lord ofDestruction for PC - Diablo II: Lord of Destruction PC Game -Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Computer Game
  7. ^IGN: Diablo II: Lord ofDestruction
  8. ^ - Reviews: DiabloII: Lord of Destruction
  9. ^Gamespot Review
  10. ^
  11. ^>'The Arreat Summit - Basics:Character Types'. Blizzard Entertainment. Retrieved2009-07-20.
  12. ^'The Diablo II 1.10 Patch HasArrived!'. Blizzard Entertainment.2003-10-28. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  13. ^'The Arreat Summit - Basics:Character Types'. Blizzard Entertainment. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  14. ^'Season 2 Begin'. Blizzard Entertainment.2008-07-08. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  15. ^Mike Apps (2003-10-27). 'Inside Mac Games News:Blizzard Sends Diablo II Rust Storm Warning'. Inside MacGames. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  16. ^'Diablo 2: A New SeasonBegins..'. Blizzard Entertainment.2005-08-08. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  17. ^'Diablo II AccountsClosed'. Blizzard Entertainment.2005-08-11. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  18. ^Cord Kruse (2005-08-02). 'Diablo 2 Patch 1.11 NowLive'. Inside Mac Games. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  19. ^'The Arreat Summit - News'. Blizzard Entertainment.2008-06-20. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  20. ^Jimmy Thang (2008-06-17). 'Diablo II Patches to1.12'. IGN. Retrieved2008-05-11.
  21. ^[1]
  22. ^
  23. ^
  24. ^


Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Character Editor

Erich Schaefer, David Brevik, MaxSchaefer, EricSexton, Kenneth Williams, Matt Uelmen, Stieg Hedlund, Chase Clements, Jay Wilson, LeonardBoyarsky, Russell Brower
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