

Hi all,
As a big fan of Beretta firearms,( I
Have a few models )I was very disappointed by recently when I purchased tomcat
Only to learn that because I bought it used, they sent it back to me and would. not repair it. This is despite the fact that I hadn't had a chance
To even put one round through it. In addition, I bought new grips and cleaned
The gun up beautifully so that it looked new.
Good conscience won't allow me to sell it to someone else so I am out about 350.00
Sorry for whining, I guess buyer beware and don't
Trust customer service.
  • Home > Firearms Forums > General Firearms Forum > Beretta Tomcat 32 auto. Beretta Tomcat 32 auto. I have read that once the frame is cracked, the stress is relieved and the gun continues to function well. It can probably only be used on straight blowback pistols, but the Tomcat class is a nice Beretta with a loyal following.
  • I had an older Matte tomcat and the frame cracked so I sent it to Beretta for evaluation. I had to wait several months and pay $175 for a replacement Inox Tomcat since mine was well out of warranty and I bought it used.
  • [Archive] Baretta Tomcat 32ACP, cracked frame, F'ing pisses me off California handguns. Then I would expect warranty repair without question. Google 'Beretta Tomcat Cracked Frames'. A well known problem. Dump it and get something better.:D GVeXUpBOfpc.

Beretta Tomcat Cracked Frame Fix Reviews


New Member

Beretta Tomcat Cracked Frame Fixture

i told them i wanted to upgrade to an Inox. they didn't notify it's status before mailing. i just got it delivered UPS.
it is a DAAxxxxxxx Serial Number. black, it doesn't feel right, it is NOT finished off, sharp edges. the trigger is as hard to pull as my FEG PA-63, i find all the grinding and rasping as i pull the trigger back a bit concerning. it definitely is still weird even with pulling the trigger with the hammer back. if i was shopping for a gun and felt that trigger pull, they couldn't give it to me. but they did. the old Tomcat was smother, just right, like it had been designed and made right, even tho it wasn't' i've been look'n around for some info on fixing trigger pull. i fixed up my FEG PA-63 9x18 with some new springs, it is Sweet, except the clips won't stay in. and no i don't hit the release with my thumb. after i fired the first clip in it my hand hurt so bad i put it away. it even quit 'Kick'n' my wrist up 12-14 inches, now the recoil is a reasonable lift. i hope there is something i can do with this new Tomcat they sent me. it was obviously a quick and Very Dirty fix, probably told the engineer they need to re-plan it by noon, after their first break.
i am really disappointed with Beretta. I'm keep'n the 9mm 92 i love that gun. but i will never get another Beretta, there is too much competition out there. i got the Tomcat because i only have one hand, the flip up barrel was an alternative to rack'n a slide. the 92 has right and left safetys, i can pull that slide back with my hook. now i'm thinking i should just get a gun with a higher volume clip, bigger bore that handles +P a shoulder holster. i have a CCP and need one where i live.

Beretta Tomcat Cracked Frame

Lorraine Chandler: The Beretta Tomcat is complete crap. Manual de bomba bosch vp44 repair. 1st pistol cracked after 1 month, replacement pistol cracked after 1 week. Never again Beretta. ('old' model) and was told they won't repair it and that it's unsafe to shoot!!!! Beretta Tomcat Cracked Frame 5 out of 5. Shared by Others.

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